one eye opens

then the other

head swivels

double vision 

in unison

third eye lingers

up there


the fourth

soon after

heads butt

two pairs of eyes

eye each other

mirror reflections

as neurons fire fear

perfectly synched

frightfully so

two plus two

is four

four is not ready

eyes falter

gazes part

back to one

or none



Art by Wanda Wultz

Cat ?





I find joy in sorrow. And sorrow is greater than laughter.

(…) an angel is not far from those who are sad, and illness can sometimes heal us.

There is sorrow in the hour of death – but there too is joy.


(Letter to Theo, Isleworth, Friday, 3 November 1876)

Vincent van Gogh




“Sing like no one’s listening,

love like you’ve never been hurt,

dance like no one’s watching,

and live like it’s heaven on earth.”

Mark Twain


The portents came late

Noon had passed

Life was waning

Sun so bright

Not bright enough for the shadows

That fell

One by one

Upon filaments of hope

Whispers of prayers

Scent of love

The shadows fell

The day followed 

Something still remained


Till tomorrow…

3rd movement

November: love



Words whispered from afar

Filaments of love

woven into time

Echo of an invincible surmise


(November 25)




2nd movement

October : legacy

From This, to That

From Alive to Dead

Organs in Canopic Jars

For the Children

to carry.


(October 14, 2023)




1st movement

September: memory

Almost over.


Scented with tears…

and falling leaves…

soon chestnuts in my pocket.




(September 19, 2023)




There is no way to say good-bye.

There is no preview for hope.

There are no trailers for miracles.



It sat alone for years

 In my mind’s eye

I saw who sat it in

Now there are two

Vision split

Vision unbearable


Beware, she said.

You are too close to the truth.

And you are not prepared for it.

It may kill you.

I know, he answered.

It’s the dagger I need.

The bitter pill that tastes sweet

In the end.

He walked out.

The pine needles under his feet emitted no sound.

No scent rose to meet him.

He was alone.

Surrounded by all.

And by nothing.

The treetops swayed above him…